Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Another Plan B

SO sore today!  Feels great. :-)

And... again I didn't get up early enough to spin before work, so I went this evening.  No problem, got it done.  Ran a couple errands on my way home, too, so I haven't been able to do the tree yet.  Fortunately, if my calculations are correct - PLEASE let my calculations be correct! - we'll be finishing work early tomorrow so I can decorate then  Yay!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Strength Training 101

Well, no surprise, but I didn't make it to the gym this morning.  I wasn't worried, though, since I had the evening to make up for it.  Unfortunately, it was raining when I was getting ready to head to Fleet Feet, so I bagged that plan.  I cleaned up around the house a little to get ready for the Christmas decorations, then went to the gym.  At some point, the rain had turned to snow, though, and everything was white when I stepped outside!  So pretty!

The gym was pretty empty and quiet, and it felt good to get back to lifting again.  I know it'll be good for me, I just need to stick with it!  I followed the Body for Life plan, starting with my upper body.  Then I did my abs, too, since I was still waiting for Derek to get to the gym.  I saw him come into the building just as I was finishing up, which was perfect, except that I didn't have any time in the pool alone before we started our "lesson."  But that's o.k.  Helping him was my priority tonight, and I still feel really good about the workout I did get.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Back At It

So, last Monday, I ate great, worked out, and set a goal of losing one pound by today, even with Thanksgiving.  Well...  let's just say... epic fail.  I didn't work out any more last week (unless you count walking around for six hours during all the Black Friday sales), and I pretty much ate whatever I wanted.  And I gained a half pound.  But now I'm more motivated than ever.  I've got to get going on this!

Today I ate great again, and I made it back to spin class tonight.  Derek and I were supposed to go for our second swim lesson as well, but neither of us felt like it.  So we came up with a new plan, which I think I like even better: we're going to go to bed early.  Like, soon.  And we're going to get up early and go lift in the a.m.  Then we're going to meet at the gym for a swim tomorrow night after his classes.  He may try to get some other cardio in first, in which case I'll do some laps of my own before he joins me in the pool, and I may also go run with Fleet Feet before that, if this incessant rain finally quits.  But I won't hold my breath on that one...

Anyway, I'm hoping that by getting up early tomorrow, I'll be able to continue the rest of the week.  And if I can spin Wednesday morning, then I'll have all evening to decorate for Christmas!  High hopes for this week. :-)

Monday, November 21, 2011

It Begins Again...

As I mentioned, I really enjoyed my day in Florida.  When Derek asked me, just minutes after I finished, if I was going to do it again, I think I said, "Yeah... probably!"  Originally, I thought I'd only do one, but I enjoyed it so much, I didn't want that to be it!

But we had also talked about trying to start making babies next year, so I thought I'd at least take some time off.  Till two days after IMFL, on the way home, when Derek started talking about how HE wanted to try one.  And then I got excited to start another Ironman journey, especially if I could do it WITH him this time.

Unfortunately, we were a day too late to sign up for Florida, so we started brainstorming other options.  We knew Ironman Arizona was just two weeks away and that we could sign up the day after for next year's event.  So that became our plan.  Of course, these things sell out FAST, so we knew there was no guarantee we'd get in.  But it was still Plan A.  (Plan B was to pay extra for Ironman Foundation entries into next year's IMFL.)

Well, today was the day.  At noon mountain time, online registration would open for general entry.  Of course, hundred of athletes had already registered at the event this weekend, so who knows how many spots were even left when registration opened?  But we were poised and ready.


It worked for me last year for Florida, and we both got in this time, too.  But there were plenty of people complaining on Facebook because they couldn't get in.  And announced that it was sold out in less than 10 minutes.  So I guess we were pretty lucky!

I've already booked a room at the host hotel, too, since they expected to be booked within a day or two.  I'll keep looking for other options, though, since the host hotel is expensive and the rooms don't even have kitchenettes or anything.  We'll see!  But we're committed to the race anyway.

And so, training begins again!  I've taken the last two weeks off completely, though not necessarily by choice; I've had a cold almost since IMFL was over.  But tonight I went to the gym for a spin class, and we're getting ready to go back for Derek's first swim lesson.  That will be his biggest challenge.  Our other big priority right now is to lose some of this extra weight.  We probably both have 30-40 pounds to drop, which won't be easy.  But we're going to do this together, every step of the way!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Actually, I wish I were still at the beach...  Today is all about unpacking, doing laundry, going grocery shopping, etc.  But I'm so tired, I just want to sleep!  Still feeling a little under the weather, too, but I'm hopeful it won't become a full-fledged cold.  I'll just try to rest as much as possible and give my body a break for a few more days, though really I feel like I could go for a nice jog or ride any time.

I'm also going through a bit of Ironman withdrawal, which I hear is pretty normal after a big event like this, but talk of next year keeps my spirits lifted. :-)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Planning Ahead

So, we ended up spending most of the drive today talking about future races.  Because Derek wants to be an Ironman too, now. :-)  Since you have to sign up a year in advance in most cases, our only option for next year would be Arizona, if we can get in the day after this year's race in a couple weeks.  That would be a REALLY long drive!  But it would be an awesome adventure, and it would be nice to travel somewhere new and try a different course.  So I think that's our plan at this point, though we want to pray about it before diving in because it would mean putting off making babies and the possibility of going on a short-term mission trip next summer...  And it would have to be instead of the vacation we were hoping to take next year.  Wow!  But I'd be SO excited to train together for it!!!

Anyway, we made it to Tennessee today, and we should have about five hours to get home tomorrow.  Just in time to vote and get Derek off to class!  Unfortunately, my throat hurts pretty bad and I'm afraid I might be getting a cold... :-(

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Feeling Surprisingly Good!

I didn't sleep great, up every hour to pee and drink more water.  But I felt pretty good this morning!  I was surprised (and thrilled) to find that after sleeping with my funny sock thing on last night, my foot didn't hurt any worse today than if I'd just run a couple miles yesterday.  Woo-hoo!  I have some chaffing from the wetsuit and some pretty painful saddle sores, but most of me escaped unscathed.  My body is tired, but I can walk, and I actually feel pretty good!  I'm more stiff than anything, so I'm trying to keep moving.  I should be back to normal in no time! :-)

First on the agenda today was IHOP.  Which actually turned into Bob Evans.  Regardless, YUMMY.  I was so hungry!  And it was cool to see so many Ironmen at the restaurant.  No wonder the wait was so long!

Next up on the agenda: tattoo!  Megan met us at the shop at noon, and we were out of there by one.  The actual tattooing part only took 15 or 20 minutes.  It didn't hurt too bad at first but got a little worse as she made her way back onto my achilles.  Still, not too bad.

And it looks pretty cool!

Not EXACTLY as I'd designed it, so I might want to have it touched up once it heals, but we'll see.  It still looks pretty awesome!!!

After that, we swung by the Ironman store to check out the finishers' gear.  I'd seen a bunch of people walking around with a certain jacket, and I thought I just might have to get one.  They were sold out of that jacket (pretty popular, I guess!), but they were taking orders.  But I got lucky: since it was almost closing time, they said I could just have the sample jacket in my size rather than having to order one and pay an additional $15 for shipping.  Sweet!

Back to the condo for a nap, then out for the most delicious pasta dinner at Sweet Basil's.  Seriously!  Why couldn't we have discovered this place days ago?!?

Well, better get to bed soon, 'cause we're supposed to leave first thing in the morning.  It's going to be a long couple of days home to Cincinnati!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


I got up at 5:00 and headed over to transition at 5:30.  Dropped off my special needs bags, got body-marked, then went in to pump up my tires and put my water bottles on my bike.

Next step: find a bathroom.  Check.  Put on wetsuit.  Check.  Forgot to lube up at the condo, so...  Hmm.  Well, too late now.  My Bodyglide and Aquaphor all packed up in my transition bags.  I thought about asking a stranger to borrow some, but...  Nah.

Time to head out to the beach.  Yikes!  The pros will start in about five minutes, and the rest of us will follow ten minutes later.  Only time for one quick pic, a prayer and a kiss from the Hubby, and that's about it!


The gun goes off, but I hang back a bit.  No need to get in the middle of the madness!

I was actually surprised to find that the swim wasn't too congested, since I'd heard horror stories about the huge mass starts of Ironman swims.  Perhaps it was because I waited a little to get going, perhaps it was because we were all so spread out, or perhaps it was because it was easier to see in the clear water and easier, then, to avoid running into each other.  Regardless, I was thankful.

As I got farther out into deeper water, though, I started seeing jellyfish.  Lots of them.  Big ones.  Most were well below me, but every now and then I would look ahead and see one just in front of me.  I'd swerve quickly to the left or right, but it was crazy scary!  I think that's why I had more chaffing higher up on the back of my neck than I expected: because I was constantly looking left and right and ahead to avoid running into one of these "pink meanies."

Finally, I was heading back toward shore, back to shallower waters and fewer sea creatures.  Swimming in seemed harder than going out, though!  Finally, I made it to the sand.  But then I had to go back out to do the loop again!  Not thrilled with the two-lap swim course, but I was glad to get some fresh water in me after gulping several large mouthfuls of saltwater...

After the second lap, with my wetsuit down to my waist, the volunteers instructed me to sit on my butt, and they pulled it off the rest of the way.  They helped me up and handed me the wetsuit, then I rinsed off quickly in the showers before making my way to transition.  One volunteer shouted out my number as I came through, and another found and handed me my bag.

Into the building I went, where another slew of volunteers were waiting to assist.  I sat down, dried off, lubed up, changed shorts, put on my socks and shoes and jersey and helmet and gloves and watch and sunglasses...  And I was off!  (I make it sound quick, but I was actually in there for 20 minutes.  The way I figured, I'd rather take a few extra minutes now to be more comfortable for the next 6+ hours!) After a quick stop in the portapot, I got my bike from another volunteer and exited transition.

I felt good as I began my 112-mile bike ride.  (This is my favorite part, because it's the only time in the race when I actually get to pass other people. :-)  The course was as flat as everyone said: not even many rollers except one bridge we had to go up and over.  The headwinds were pretty strong at times, though, and I wasn't sure I'd be able to maintain the average speed I needed to get finished in six hours...  Oh, well, I thought.  All I can do is my best, and what will be will be!

I drank Gatorade from my bar-mounted bottle, adding more super-concentrated Gatorade from my down tube bottle and water from the aid stations as needed.  Once again, the volunteers were amazing!  I rode right through the aid stations every 10 miles or so, and didn't stop till the midway point for my special needs bag.  I took some more ibuprofen and grabbed my baggie of Oreos, and on I went.  My bum wasn't feeling great, but I pressed on.  Out to the last check-point and back, over the bridge again at mile 100, and back to Front Beach Road with a nice strong headwind.  Lovely.  But I was almost there!  So close I could taste it!

Back at transition, I handed off my bike, grabbed my next transition bag, and went back in to change.  Same story: lube up, change clothes, stop at the portapot...  Out onto the run course.  And there's Derek!  O.k., I'll stop and talk a bit.  No need to run just yet. :-)  It was so good to see him and tell him about my race so far.  He tried to film me, but it was hard to hold the camera steady as we walked and talked.  Oh, well.  O.k., guess I should start running.  Bye, love!

I started with my usual longer-course triathlon 2-and-1 run/walk pattern, but my feet were kind of hurting by mile four, so I decided to switch to a 1-and-1.  That felt much better, so I stuck with that.  I even had no qualms about skipping a run here or there if I needed to eat something or stop off in the john again.  I figured I should be able to maintain at least a 15-minute-per-mile pace that way and still make my 15-hour goal.  I was feeling good!

It was starting to get dark as I completed my first lap and got my special needs bag at the midway point.  I tied my jacket around my waist because I didn't need it yet, but it was new and expensive, and there was no way I was going to leave it in the bag!  Deja vu as I headed back out on the course.  Didn't we just do this?  I don't really feel like doing it all again, but...  I've got to to get to the finish line.  And there's really no reason why I can't.  I feel o.k.  Just keep doing what you're doing, and you'll be fine.  One minute at a time, one mile at a time, one hour at a time.  I still have three more hours of this?!?  Sure, but in the grand scheme of things, you're almost there, you're 80% done!  Yeah, o.k.

And on I went.  I talked to more people on the second lap.  One guy was trying to earn the tattoo he'd already gotten, not realizing you were actually supposed to COMPLETE the 140.6 before getting the M-dot.  D'oh!  And I kept looking for Carla, the girl I'd swum and ridden with on Thursday, but I never found her...

As I was on my way back toward transition, I kept seeing people still making their way out toward the park.  At some point, I thought, I'll stop seeing people coming toward me, because they'll be out of time.  But even with only two or three miles to go, the latecomers were still heading out on their second lap.  I tried to calculate when they might finish, and I almost started to cry thinking that some of the folks I was passing wouldn't make the midnight cut-off...  But I was definitely on target to make my goal, so I tried to think about that instead.

When I made my last turn, I heard Derek call my name!  He was there, encouraging me, cheering me on, running me home.  I'd made it!  I was done!  I accomplished everything I'd been working all year to achieve!

I tripped as I crossed the finish line, so I didn't really hear my name. :-(  (I was too busy worrying whether they'd gotten a good picture of me...)  But I felt fine, and I was thrilled with my 14:38:01 time!  I got some water, my medal, a t-shirt, and a finisher's hat, then had my picture taken one last time.  I got some pizza, and Derek and I started walking back to the condo.  (He'd already taken my bike and gear bags back, so we had nothing else to do when I finished!)


I just wanted to sit and rest a bit before getting cleaned up and hitting the sack.  Halfway through the run, I thought I'd like to go back out to cheer for the last finisher's at 11:00 or 11:30 on, but now that I'm home, no, not gonna happen.  I'm exhausted.  Can't imagine why!  And my plantar fasciitis foot hurts pretty bad.  I think I'll need Derek to help me move from the living room to the bathroom and bedroom...  But I'm also overjoyed!  What a day!!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Final Preparations

Today was a day of organization.  I gathered all of my gear and packed it up in the various transition and special needs bags.

Then I gave my bike a quick cleaning and took everything over to transition.

After a quick look around the Ironman Village, Derek and I went to scope out a few tattoo shops I'd been researching online.  First up was Panama Fox in Panama City, followed by Black Cat just a few miles down Front Beach Road.  We decided to go with a girl name Megan at Black Cat, who was willing to come in on her day off (Sunday) to do it.  I'll just text her tomorrow night or Sunday morning if I finish the race and we'll decide on a time then.  Getting SO excited!

We just went out to try to catch the sunset, but this is all we caught before the sun disappeared!  Still, simply beautiful.

And now it's time for me to get to bed.  I CAN'T BELIEVE TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fun With New Friends

This morning, I met up with some folks I've been chatting with on for a practice swim in the Gulf.  It was great to put faces with the names I've been seeing for a few months, and I feel a bit better about the open-water, saltwater swim now, too.  The water was rougher today than it's been all week apparently, but I survived!  Hopefully Saturday it'll be calmer, but I should be ready either way.  Crazy cool how buoyant you are in saltwater with a wetsuit on!

Two women at the swim were also talking about going out to ride the run course afterward, so I asked if I could tag along.  After checking in, I came back to the condo to get changed and grab my bike, then headed back over to meet them.  We rode really slowly, like 10 mph on average, but it was nice to see the run course and to get to know them a little more.

Then tonight we had our welcome banquet dinner and mandatory athlete meeting.  It was really more of a pep rally than anything, which was cool.  They showed the same "you WILL do this" video that first inspired me a year or two ago.  They told us about the athletes who would be participating, including the oldest and youngest, those who had competed for ten or more years at IMFL, couples who were racing together, etc.  They gave some money to local charities and auctioned off a couple of autographed posters to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project.  As frustrated as I sometimes am with WTC, I was really impressed with them tonight and proud to be a part of this event.  After going over a few rules and regulations, we were released, and I headed back to the condo.

Great day in PCB!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We Made It!

We left Cincinnati this morning at 6:30, only 30 minutes later than planned.  Not bad at all for us!  I was really hoping to make it here before dark, and we almost did, but not quite.

The condo is nice and comfortable, though a strange layout.  The internet is also a little slow, but it should suffice.  I'm heading over to Walmart now for some food.  Should be back just in time for some Criminal Minds...  Nice. :-)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I struggled though my last day of work before the race today, then packed up my stuff for the gym.  I was planning on taking a spinning class, then getting an hour-long swim in.  But...  When I went to start the car, nothing happened!  Seriously?!?  I cried a little as I headed inside to call AAA, but I pulled myself together.  I should, after all, wait until I receive a diagnosis before I start to grieve, I thought.

When the AAA guy got here, he first checked my battery, but that was fine, he said.  Then he tried to start it, and he didn't sound too optimistic when he heard it.  But he tried again, really pumping the gas pedal, and eventually he got it going.  He turned it off and back on a few times, and it started without any trouble, so he guessed that maybe the fuel line had been clogged and that he somehow fixed it with the gas pedal thing he did.  Still, he said he wouldn't recommend risking it by trying to drive it through five states tomorrow.  In an ideal world, yes.  But my bike and all our stuff won't fit in Derek's car, and I really don't want to spend another couple hundred dollars for a rental minivan or SUV.  When I took it out tonight for some errands, I still had no problems with it, so I think we'll take a chance on it.  And maybe when we get there (assuming that we get there), we'll have the Hyundai dealer in Panama City take a look at it.

So, yeah.  That was my night.  I missed my last Cincinnati workouts, but I guess it couldn't be helped.  At least I got my errands run, and now I just need to pack and get to sleep.  Long day tomorrow, but I'll be so excited to finally get there!