Well, after last week, when I only worked out three days but did really long workouts each time, I'm glad I was able to spread things out this week and do something every day. Till today, anyway, since we're going out of town to celebrate our 2nd anniversary this weekend. Proud of myself, too, for getting up and out relatively early to get a good brick in before we head out this afternoon.
I started with a 22-mile ride in 1:26ish. It was chilly, and a bit annoying because the bike trail was almost completely covered with wet fallen leaves. And I'm noticing more and more just how bumpy it's becoming! So I was actually glad to get off the bike and put on my running shoes (having new pretty shoes does help, too :-)! Then I ran 8 miles, the longest I've done in awhile, apart from the 13-mile runs in my half-IM races. Most importantly, it was actually fun! Nice new shoes, PERFECT running weather, flat, and I was able to maintain an 11:45 pace, which I'm very please with! <sigh> Love days like this!
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