Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So, the Flying Pig isn't my main event by any means, but I've been training for it with an awesome group at Fleet Feet Cincinnati.  Mostly, I signed up for the training program to hold me accountable for running three times a week, which it has.  It also makes running a lot more fun.

Recently, we began our taper leading up to this Sunday's race.  But since I'm only running the half marathon, which isn't very intimidating since I just did one in March, I've mostly used this "taper" period to add more cycling and swimming.  Maybe that's not the intended purpose of the taper, but I'm loving it!

Tonight, we only ran about 3.5 miles, which feels like nothing after all the training we've been doing.  But it's nice to still feel fresh when we're finished and to get home a bit earlier!

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