Well, I was supposed to run for another 30 minutes yesterday, but I just didn't feel like it when I woke up and saw that it was raining. It was gorgeous out later, but I had a cycling cardio test thing at the gym this morning and I wasn't supposed to exercise for 48 hours beforehand, so I just took yesterday off.
I guess the test this morning went o.k., though I really don't know what to do with the data. They gave me ranges for working out in various heart rate zones, but since I don't train with a heart rate monitor, I don't think that it'll help me, unless I buy a monitor. Which I've kind of always wanted but never wanted to spend the money on...
Anyway, after that, I headed out for my 30-minute run, in the hot noon sun. It wasn't too bad, though. Even though I had stretched out really well before I began, my foot hurt a bit when I first started running. When I started back up again after my first walk break, though, it was much better. I could tell it wasn't quite 100% as I kept going, but it was definitely bearable. I think I could even do my half or full IM on it like this if I have to. Then again, I'm not really looking forward to hours-long training runs with it not at 100%... Praying that PT helps...
After the run, it was time to head out for my third swim of the week, my reward after running in the heat. The water felt great! I did another long endurance swim of 2 x 1600, which went pretty well. I developed quite a headache, I'm guessing from the tight cap and goggles, though maybe not since I always wear those and don't usually have a problem... But I finished the workout, laid out for a few minutes, then got cleaned up and headed home for a smoothie and an afternoon nap. :-) I'm thrilled to report, too, that I haven't had the congestion and sneezing issues that I had the last time I did this swim workout! Maybe I'm getting stronger?
Tomorrow I'm planning to try a Cincinnati Cycle Club ride I've been curious about for some time. It's 50 miles starting at noon, so that'll be a long, hot afternoon. But since I haven't ridden yet this week, it should be good. But now, I'd better go clean the bike!
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