I was SO tired yesterday after waking up early, traveling, and visiting with Debbie till late at night. So I totally let myself sleep in. And as much as I really didn't want to, I made myself go run when she went to take her daughter to school.
I mapped out a route around her neighborhood, which should have been 4 or 5 miles, but when I got out there, I could tell I was getting to places a lot quicker than I should have been if the map were right. So I stopped worrying about that and decided to just run my 45 minutes. When I got back to the house, I plotted everywhere I went, and it said it was almost 7 miles, but there's no way that was accurate since it took me less than an hour and I was going pretty slow. I'm guessing it was 4.5 or 5 based on the time, 53 minutes.
My foot still hurt, of course, at least when I started, but it wasn't unbearable. And the temperature was much better today after the rain we had here yesterday! I felt a cool breeze as I came up over this one hill, and it just felt wonderful. I didn't have water with me, either, but it was o.k. (Shhh... I almost enjoyed it and kind of wanted to just keep running... But mostly that would have been just so I didn't have to do my long run early on Saturday before our meeting, so I just stuck to my plan.)
So, yeah! Proud of myself again! Tonight I was thinking of trying some yoga in the room after dinner, but my roommate is already in bed, and I'm heading there myself now, too, so that I can get up and lift in the fitness center here in the a.m. Shouldn't be too bad since it's not even 11...
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