Monday, August 15, 2011

Official Race Results

Two years ago when I did this half, I came in at 7:20:37.  This year, I was hoping for 7 hours.  (They say you should be able to do a full in twice your half plus an hour, and I'm hoping for a 15-hour full.)  When we found out that the swim was canceled, I adjusted my goal to 6 hours.

My official bike split was 2:38:21, better than the 3 hours I'd hoped for, and remarkably faster than my 3:26:25 from 2009!  My run was a lot slower at 3:12:01, compared to 2:49:36 last time, but, yeah.  We've talked about that...  I still finished in 5:55:21!  If we'd swum, I would have finished in a little less than 6:45, even with my crappy run, which makes me happy.  Yep, I'm very pleased overall, just worried about the run in Florida...

Today, I'm super sore.  I knew my feet and everything would still hurt, but I was a little surprised to see how sore my muscles were, too, when I got out of bed!  (O.k., well, technically I'm still in bed, but I have gotten up briefly to use the bathroom...)   I don't know why I'm surprised; I guess I just forgot what this feels like!  I don't think I felt quite this bad last time, but that's o.k.  I'm going to take it easy this week, maybe just swim a few times and lead my Cycle Club ride on Thursday.  And plenty of sleep... :-)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Jenn!! Wow! Killer bike split...and toughing out the run even with foot issues. GREAT JOB! Super proud of YOU!
