Usually on Thursday nights, I do a ride with my gym's Cycle Club. But the forecast didn't look very good for today, plus there was a Queen City Wheels board meeting I was hoping to attend tonight, so I decided to get my workouts done before my four-hour shift this afternoon. First, I took a spin class, then I went to yoga. I thought the yoga would be good to help stretch out my hamstrings, calves, and plantar fascia, but I also figured it could count as a strength session since I usually get pretty sore afterward. I'm not sure if the stretching will help my foot at all, but I can already tell I'm gonna be sore tomorrow!
The teacher was trying to help prepare people for a special 90-minute, 108-sun salutation yoga class later this month, so we did about 35 sun salutations today. Not the easiest first yoga class back after six or eight months off, especially after that long, hard swim last night! Yikes... Some of the warrior and balancing poses were tricky, too, with my sore heel, but in general I did fee a bit looser and more relaxed after the class was over. Mostly notably, the pain I'd felt in my lower back and right hip since yesterday's run were basically gone. I'll take it! I finished up with my eight-minute abs routine, then headed home.
It's always so nice to get my workouts done early. Why don't I do that more often?!?
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