I rode on the bike trail today, which is flat, but I was able to get a good 50 miles in in just about 3 hours. I averaged 16.4 mph on the way out and ended up at 16.7, so I averaged 17 mph on the second half. Not bad! I was working hard, and my legs (and tushy!) were really sore by the end, but I decided I should hop off the bike and run briefly, too, just to start getting used to that feeling of transition again. I ran/walked 1.5 miles, and by the end of that, my legs actually felt better! AND... I'm starting to feel like a real triathlete again. :-)
My plan for the coming weeks is to keep increasing my long rides by 10 miles, till I get up to a century. I'll also try to ride 2 other times each week. I want to run 3 times a week as well, and swim twice. If I have time, I'd like to get some yoga and lifting in, but that might not happen every week. I also want to get back to reading my Racing Weight and Going Long books to really nail down a training plan.
Eating-wise, I did great today, too! Kind of hard to go wrong when you burn 3000+ calories during your workout, but still. I weighed and measured everything, wrote everything down, and stuck to my goals. I have a new nutrition and fitness tracker book, and I'm really excited to get my eating on track. Hubby's helping me with accountability for that, too, so hopefully I'll have better luck checking in with him every night. Wish me luck!
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