Monday, May 30, 2011

Week 3 Reflection

I'm pretty disappointed in my week.  I got all my runs in and biked a bit more than I was scheduled to, but I only swam once and lifted once.  So my total workout time was only 9:40 instead of the 11:15 I was supposed to do.  (But I'm going to swim tomorrow and count that for this week, which will make it 10:55.)  I guess it's not TOO bad, but I'm disappointed with myself because I had all the time in the world and yet I wasted this awesome opportunity to work out like - well, like an Ironman.  So I'm actually looking forward to my coming busy busy week because I know how much better I manage my time when I don't have as much of it.  Next week is a rest week, too, so it shouldn't be too hard to get everything done.  Here's what's on my agenda:
  • Monday: 45-min run
  • Tuesday: 1:15 lifting (though I think I'll try a strength class at the gym just to mix things up), and I'll probably go do the time trial again if it doesn't rain
  • Wednesday: 1-hour swim
  • Thursday: 1:15 lifting
  • Friday: 45-min run and 1-hour swim
  • Saturday: supposed to be a 1-hour bike, but that'll actually be more like 2 hours since I'm leading my cycle club ride
  • Sunday: Rest!

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