Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

It was storming all night, and still raining at 6:30 this morning when my alarm went off for my run with Fleet Feet.  I wasn't looking forward to running in the rain, but even more than that, I was just too exhausted to get up then since I stayed up too late reading last night.  So I slept in, and planned to run and/or swim later in the morning or early afternoon.  When I got up, I curled up with my book and just read.  Finally, at 1:00, I forced myself to go out for a run.  It wasn't really raining at that point, though the clouds still looked ominous and I knew more rain was coming.  I only needed a little more than 1 hour for my 6-mile run, though, so I was hopeful when I headed out.  I ran from my condo down to the trail around the lake at Sharon Woods, then around the lake twice and home.  6.2 miles I believe, in 1:13.  I was pretty wet by the time I got back, partially from sweating in the 100%-humidity, 70-degree weather, but also because it started raining again halfway around the lake the second time.  Oh, well.  The run (and the rain) actually felt pretty good!  And I'm glad I got my workout in. :-)

Tomorrow, I'm going to try to swim to make up for missing Friday, but with more storms in the forecast, I'm not sure if it'll happen or not...

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