Wednesday, July 6, 2011


So, I got some homework from PT yesterday.  I was supposed to try running for 30 minutes.  I went out with Derek this morning, though I had to take it easy and go a lot slower so we didn't really run together.  But I ran!  A little...

I tried jogging down the hill toward the park, but my foot really hurt.  So I kept walking a bit more, then stretched my calves and hamstrings really good.  When I started running after that, it felt much better.  I could tell it wasn't quite normal, but I wouldn't call it pain either.  Then again, it never really hurt while running before I started PT either, but was really sore afterward.  After my warm-up, I only ran/walked about 20 minutes, then walked back up the hill toward home.  I stretched a bit then, too, but didn't have time to ice it because we had to get started on garage project...

So I was on my feet all day, and it was pretty sore.  I iced it at lunch time and again in the evening before bed.  We'll see how it feels tomorrow!

I didn't have time for a swim today either, but I think working in the garage building shelves all day counts for something.  We'll call it strength training, and I'll swim tomorrow.  :-)

Oh, and here's the finished project!

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